I read “Big two-hearted river; part2”, “A pursuit race” by Earnest Hemingway

“Big two-hearted river; part2”

This was the continues of “Big two-hearted river; part1”, this story was also written about the grasshopper, the trout and the camp.

I’m also picked up the expression about the trout, the detail was written-“He had wet his hand before he touched the trout, so he would not disturb the delicate mucus that covered him. If a trout was touched with a dry hand, a white fungus attacked the unprotected spot.” In the Hemingway’s novel, many times the food sandwiches appear, and this time sandwiches appear-“He dipped the sandwiches in the cold water. The current carried away the crumbs. He ate the sandwiches and dipped his hat full of water to drink, the water running out through his hat just ahead of his drinking.” I want to eat the cold sandwiches.  


“A pursuit race”

This is the story William Campbell who was stewed drugs and drunk, must fire the work , a pursuit race-the bicycle race because he was caught at Kansas City.

I’m not sure he did really the work of a pursuit race or the word a pursuit race was just metaphor in the business of fear or something because he was intoxicated, but it’s worth to interesting his work, a pursuit race-I introduce-“In a pursuit race, in bicycle racing, riders start at equal intervals to ride after one another. They ride very fast because the race is usually limited to ride after one another. They ride very fast because the race is usually limited to a short distance and if they slow their riding another rider who maintains his pace will make up the space that separated them equally at the start. As soon as a rider is caught and passed he is out of the race and must get down from his bicycle and leave the track.” It’s curious as though watching dream at the same time feel fear, and before he was caught by the burlesque show, he was being paid as long as he preceded, so the pressure if he was caught, he couldn’t get the money added, it’s more fear. The impressive scene was William Campbell spoke against the sheet when he talked with his manager Mr. Turner, this-“against~” is the Hemingway’s the way represent something, it’s be against walls in “The Killers” and be against the window with the blinds drawn in “The doctor and the doctor’s wife”. Anyway William Campbell really like sheet, he did held the sheet around his head and said “Dear Sheet, pretty sheet” even said it’s all in the price of the room.



Ernest Hemingway, (1958), In our time; stories by Ernest Hemingway, New York: Scribner


Ernest Hemingway, (1955), Men without women, New York: Scribner
