I read “The Battler” by Earnest Hemingway

This story was as follows-A brakeman wham Nick who came from Chicago and Nik lit on the hands and knees beside the track. Then he started up the track until he could find the light of fire in a beechwood forest. There a small man who’s name was Ad sitting by seeing fire. Ad‘s nose was sunken, his eyes were slits, he had queer shaped lips, once he was the prizefighter, and Ad said I’m crazy. Besides Ad, one other man-Bugs, black was there, he and Ad had been friends since they met at jail because of Bugs did cutting a man and Ad was busting people all the time after his girlfriend went away. They felt hungry, so they started to cook in this places, in the middle of cooking Ad said Nick “Let me take your knife, Nick” but Bugs said Nick hang onto your knife……and after made of sandwiches, Ad suddenly got angry-crazy…and had the possibility of fight Ad and Nick, Bugs tapped Ad across the base of the skull. Nick asked Bugs what was the reason of Ad got crazy, Bugs said that was after his girlfriend left. Bugs said Nick, Ad needs to keep him away from people and warned Nick go to the other places and taught him you’ll hit a town about two miles up the track, Mancelona they call it and gave him a sandwich and a cup of hot coffee. Nick started up the track, and looking back from the mounting grade before the track curved into the hills he could see the firelight in the clearing.

In the meaning of the main character who was the fighter-in this story that character was Ad, I found resemblance with “The Killers” Swede who was the fighter.



Ernest Hemingway, (1958), In our time; stories by Ernest Hemingway, New York: Scribner
