Summary of "Hearts and Hands" and "The Defeat of the City" by O. Henry

Summary of “Hearts and Hands”

At Denver many travelers boarded B.&M. train. It was heading east. In one car there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in beautiful clothing, two men, one was younger, good-looking, well-dressed, and seemed to have a strong character, the other was somewhat sad-faced, heavily built, and rather poorly dressed. The two were handcuffed together.

As they passed through the train, a woman and two man facing, and a woman noticed younger man was acquainted with at east. So she said “Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make the speak first, I suppose I must. Don’t you remember old friends when you meet them in the West?” Mr. Easton looked up in surprise at the sound of her voice. He raised his right hand a little. She saw that it was joined by the shining handcuffs to the left hand of the other man. The glad look in the young lady’s eyes slowly changed to disbelief and fear. So, So as to follow Mr. Easton who acquainted with a lady, the sad-faced one says that “he’s an marshal here. He’s taking me to Leavenworth prison. I’ll be in there seven years. If you’ll ask the marshal to speak a good word for me when we get to the prison, it might make things easier for me there.” “Oh!” said the girl, the color returning to her face. Also after that the sad faced man followed a Mr. Easton as a marshal.

As passed a time in the train, the sad faced man wants to smoke, so the two men moved back through the train towards the smoker. The other men in a seat nearby had heard most of what was said. One said to the other. “That marshal is a good sort of man. Some of these Westerners are all right.” “Pretty young to be a marshal, isn’t he?” asked the other. “young!” answered the first speaker, “Why——Oh! Didn’t you see what happened there? Have you ever known a marshal to handcuff to his right hand?


Summary of “The Defeat of the City”

Robert Walmsley who’s hometown was farm in New York state, and that place he was called ‘Bob’ Walmsley, arrived in the city to do battle. In other words, he came out of the fight a winner of both fame and money in a big-city; a Manhattan. Six years later, Robert Walmsley had become a well-known and successful young lawyer. The height of his success came when he married Alicia Van Der Pool. She was born into a very rich and powerful family. Sometime after the wedding and honeymoon, Alicia found a letter written to Robert by his mother. It was a simple letter, it told about the farm the health of the animals and so on. “Why have I not been shown your mother’s letters?” asked Alicia. She continued more “Your mother would like us to make a visit to the farm. I have never seen a farm. We shall go for a week or two, Robert.” “Yes, we will,” agreed Robert. “I did not tell you of the letter because I thought you would not care to go. I’m very pleased with your decision.” Also Robert speaking like a lawyer, tried to tell his wife that life on the farm was very simple.

One week later they went to Robert’s hometown with train. Alicia looked cool in the summer heat, wearing a light summer dress. Tom, Robert’s brother came and felt a bit uneasy as he looked down at his own dirty blue jeans.  

In the hometown, Robert excited, for example Robert and Tom rolling around on the ground together having a friendly fight and sang songs and told stories. Back on the farm, he felt like a boy again. He had forgotten that Alicia was even present.

Alicia was standing by the window when Robert entered their room. Robert moved towards the window. He expected her to be displeased with him. “Robert,” said the cool voice of his judge, “I thought I married a gentleman.” Yes, thought Robert, she was going to say the words he did not want to her. The voice went on, “but”-But I find that I have married”- “something better-a man- Bob dear, kiss me, won’t you?”

The city was far away.



O. Henry., (2015), Best Short Stories of O. Henry, Tokyo: IBC Publishing(日本語訳:O. Henry、大久保康雄訳、2004年、『O, ヘンリ短編集(三)』、「心と手」、「都会の敗北」、新潮文庫)